Cell Wall - Rigid structure that surrounds plant cell and provides support and protection., Cell Membrane - Thin and flexible structure that surrounds the cytoplasm. It allows certain materials to enter and exit the cell., Cilia - Hair like projections surrounding the cell and aids in movement., Flagella - Long whip-like tail that aids in movement., Vacuole - Stores mainly water in cells. It is much larger in plant cells., Cytoplasm - Gel like liquid that fills the cell and suspends the organelles., Chloroplast - Green flattened discs that contain chlorophyll. This is where photosynthesis takes place., Lysosome - Small structures that contain enzymes that will clean up the cell., Mitochondria - Kidney shaped organelle that releases energy (ATP). Is know as the powerhouse of the cell., Nucleus - This large membrane-bound organelle is the control center of the cell., Chromosomes - Compact strands of DNA found in the nucleus that store genetic information., Nucleolus - Dense region in the nucleus where ribosome assembly starts., Ribosomes - Small spherical structures that build the proteins of the cell., Endoplasmic Reticulum - Tubular passageways that allow materials to be transported., Golgi Body - Several stacked tubes that store, package, and ships cellular materials., Cytoskeleton - Network of filaments that supports the membrane and gives cells shape., Centrioles - Tube like structures that exist in pairs. These line up and guide chromosomes during cell division.,

Advanced Cell Organelle Vocabulary


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