1) Are there _________ sandwiches on the table? a) some b) any 2) Have you got ________ apples in your bag? a) some b) any 3) There is _________ rice in my soup. a) any b) some 4) There are _________ eggs in the fridge. a) some b) any 5) There isn't _________ juice in the cup. a) some b) any 6) We haven't got ____________ bananas. a) any b) some 7) Are there ________ carrots in the soup? a) any b) some 8) Have you got __________ eggs? a) any b) some 9) Would you like _________ coffee? a) some b) any 10) Here are.................apples for you. a) some b) any 11) Would you like ............... cheeseburgers? a) some b) any 12) There is.................money for you on the desk. a) some b) any 13) Can I have .................ice tea? a) some b) any

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