keep up with, withdraw, coward, explore, potable, office supply, white/blue collar , penalty, penultimate, fast-paced , lag behind, maiden name, briefing, buy-in, concern, customized, ahead of the competition, on the tip of my tongue, reassuring, dismissive, no offence, abandon, depart, attempt, at the outset, in danger, at risk, run at a loss, within budget, carry on, carry out, mission statement, nationally recognized, have access to, staff at all levels, quote a price, wooden tub, cherry pick, obejct to, regarding/concerning, doubts, tight deadline, manual job, monthly pass/travel card, regret to inform, apologise for, appreciate sg, arrange a meeting, postpone/put off, complain about, take out a loan, sore point, weak spot, quote a price, get carried away, mumble, draw a conclusion, figure it out, make assumptions, in the course of.


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