prospects - opportunities for success, promotion etc, to recruit - to look for and employ personnel, a salary - a fixed, regular payment, usually monthly, made by employer to employee, to take on - to employ; to hire, a probationary period - three or six months in a company before a permanent post is offered, a psychometric test - an assessment of candidates' mental ability and reasoning skills, a cover(ing) letter - a piece of writing accompanying a resume or a CV as an introduction or summary, a qualification - a certificate which proves you have a particular skill, a referee - someone who gives you references, strengths - the things you are good at, to appoint - to choose someone to do a job, an interviewee - the person who answers questions, a wage - a particular amount of money that is paid, usually every week, to an employee, especially one who does work that needs physical skills or strength, rather than a job needing a college education,

Employment vocabulary 2


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