1) Ahmad…… a good English teacher a) is b) are c) am d) were 2) Instant message is………email a) fast b) faster  c) faster then d) the fastest 3) I threw away the…… cell phone a) break b) breaks c) broke d) broken  4) …….you know how to design a website? a) Does b) Do c) Has d) Have  5) How often……you eat lunch in the cafeteria? a) did b) does c) do d) done  6) ‏ ?Does she talk online with her friends a) yes,you,are b) No ,you,haven’t c) No,she,doesn’t d) yes , it is  7)  Social networking is………way to stay connected with friends  a) good b) better than  c) best  d) the best 8) ‏The Taj Mahal in lndia is one of……buildings in the world a) beautiful b) more beautiful  c) beautiful than d) the most beautiful 9) ‏The clock tower of the Abraj Al-bait Towers in Makkah is one of……. buildings in the world a) tall b) taller c) tallest d) the tallest 10) ‏…….The TV needs to be a) fix b) fixed c) fixes  d) fixing 11) ‏The company had the new website ……. a) design b) designed c) designes d) designing 12) ‏? Hold on l will show you how to text message back to me a) start to understand b) wait a moment  c) how is it possible d) how on earth 13) ‏? How on earth do you type the message so quickly a) start to understand b) how is it possible  c) hold on d) start to misunderstand 14) ‏Have you got the hang of acronyms? a) start to understand  b) wait a moment  c) how is it possible d) misunderstand  15) ‏I am going to…….a game from a new online game store a) armload b) ruckload c) offload d) download 16) ‏….. The odd word is a) networking b) virtual c) asthma d) cyper 17) ‏Patric came up with a…… idea a) virual b) posted c) unique d) cyber  18) ‏……She is very friendly and a) down to earth b) impolite c) rude  d) uncooperative  19) ‏Hassan likes to spend time by himself . He has a few friends .He is a……… a) laid back b) down to earth c) loner d) adventurous 20) ‏Omar is…..with technology and media a) obeyed b) obsessed c) stayed d) played 21) ‏ Asthma and paramedics are words related to …….. a) computers b) technology c) sports d) health


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