atoms - the tiny pieces of all matter, property - something that can be observed about a substance, substance - something that is made of all the same atoms or groups of atoms , scale - the relative size of things, boiling point - the temperature at which a liquid turns into a gas, chemical formula - letters and numbers showing the types and numbers of atoms that repeat to make up a substance, corrosive - able to cause damage, extended structures - repeating groups of atoms linked together in a large network, fertilizer - a substance added to soil to help plants grow, melting point - the temperature that a substance changes from a solid to a liquid, model - an object that helps us understand something by making it easier to see, molecule - a group of atoms joined together in a particular way, product - an ending substance that is made during a chemical reaction, reactant - a starting substance that is part of a chemical reaction, rearrange - to change the order or position of something,

Chemical Reactions


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