I was ____ to find a job. Nowadays, it's extremely difficult to find one. I was ____ when my teacher gave me the bad news, most people get anxious. Last year I was ____ when I decided to buy food for someone who didn't have enough money. I'm ____ of spiders. I sometimes cry when they are too close to me. I sometimes do ____ things. My parents say I should be more careful when I make decisions. I'm more ____ than my parents. They couldn't finish secondary school. My routine is very ____. I feel I need to add more excitement to my life. I feel ____ when people call me by my name, but I don't remember theirs. I sometimes feel I need to be ____ because I don't like taking risks. I like getting feedback from ____ people as I know they'll tell me the truth. I think I'm sometimes ____ when I don't want to share my ideas with others. Last time I did something ____ was when I saved an injured dog in the street. I need to be more ____ with my expenses. I haven't saved up for a while. I'm usually ____ with people I know. I help them whenever they need it.

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