Who is the leader of your country? Which political party does he or she belong to?, What are the main political parties in your country? Which are currently in the government?, From what age can you vote in the elections? Who should have the right to vote?, What makes a good politician?, Do men or women make better politicians?, Who are the most famous world leaders?, President, Prime Minister, King (or Queen). Which does your country have and what does it depend on? Discuss., Do you agree with a monarchy?, How do politicians run their election campaign? What methods or media do they use?, Is the current government popular? Why or why not? When will the next elections be held?, Would you ever consider going into politics?, What is the difference between democracy and autocracy (also called dictatorship)?, What are the 2 main political parties in the UK?, Do you think the legal age to vote should be dropped to 16?.

politics Q and A



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