wore - Ronit (wear) _______ her new dress last night., swept - I (sweep) __________ the floor., kept - We (keep) ________ the money in our purse., grew - The flowers in the garden (grow) _______ very nicely.___, had - Lenny (have) __________ a birthday last week., brought - My grandparents (bring) ______________ me wonderful presents in my last birthday., told - My dad (tell) ________ me the good news., hit - The team (hit) ________ the ball over the net. , got up - I (get up) _________ very early two days ago. , found - The detective (find) _______ the thief. , cut - My brother (cut) ____________ his finger while he was making salad. , saw - I (see) ______________ the accident this morning. , were - We (be) ___________ in Paris last year. , bought - Mom and Dad (buy) ________ me a new Nintendo game. , was - It (be) ___________ very cold last week., taught - My parents (teach) __________ me to be an honest person., thought - My mother (think) ________ that I was still in school. , fed - Mother (feed) __________ the baby an hour ago., flew - My uncle (fly) __________ to Scotland yesterday. , drank - She (drink) _____________ a lot of water after the game yesterday.,

Past Simple irregular verbs 9th grade


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