1) ability to see the truth of something immediately without reasoning a) intuition b) apprehension c) mounting d) rigid 2) fearful feeling about what will happen next a) rigid b) mounting c) apprehension d) insistent 3) increasing gradually, building up a) rigid b) insistent c) foreboding d) mounting 4) stiff and unbending a) rigid b) foreboding c) apprehension d) mounting 5) demanding that something should happen a) foreboding b) insistent c) mounting d) apprehension 6) sudden feeling that something bad is going to happen a) rigid b) mounting c) insistent d) foreboding 7) Which word is NOT a synonym for foreboding? a) apprehension b) fear c) luck d) dread 8) Which is NOT a synonym of apprehension? a) alarm b) calmness c) worry d) uneasiness 9) When Mr. Frank was asked to go downstairs, Margot had a sense of _________________________. She was worried something was wrong. a) rigid b) mounting c) foreboding d) insistent 10) They listened with _____________________________. They were nervous that the news would be bad. a) apprehension b) mounting c) intuition d) insistent 11) Mr. Van Daan's body became __________as the safe creaked when he was stealing food. a) insistent b) mounting c) apprehension d) rigid 12) Miep says all people in the outside world can talk about is how the end of the war is coming. She said invasion fever is ___________________. a) mounting b) rigid c) foreboding d) intuition 13) Which word is NOT a synonym of intuition? a) hunch b) instinct c) gut feeling d) reason 14) What does insistent mean? Dussel: [Pleading, insistent] But this is the third time, Mr. Frank! The third time in quick succession! It's a signal! I tell you it's Miep, trying to get us! For some reason she can't come to us and she's trying to warn us of something! a) indifferent b) demanding c) unimportant d) insignificant 15) Would you say that having a bad feeling about an upcoming event was having a sense of foreboding? a) yes b) no 16) If you speak with apprehension are you speaking with comfort and ease? a) yes b) no 17) The government has come under mounting criticism in the press. Has criticism increased or decreased? a) increased b) decreased 18) Craig stood rigid with fear when the rattlesnake crossed his path. Was Craig's body loose and relaxed? a) yes b) no 19) If Mila were insistent that you take the last scoop of ice cream, would she accept your refusal? a) yes b) no 20) If Sara's intuition told her that Mark was upset about something, would she know exactly what is bothering him? a) yes b) no

Anne Frank, Act 2, vocab


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