1) What did you last Sunday morning? 2) What did you do last Friday night? 3) Think about a friend, Where was he last weekend? 4) Describe your room. Use THERE IS / THERE ARE 5) Where were you last Saturday at 10 pm? 6) What did you do after class yesterday? 7) Give directions to go to a grocery store near your house or apartment 8) What did you have for breakfast yesterday 9) Describe this room. (Use there is and there are) 10) Where were you last night at 9:00 pm 11) Think about someone in your family, Where was this person yesterday? 12) Did you study English yesterday? 13) Were you at the supermarket last week? 14) Give instructions to go to a place on the map 15) Did you eat fast food yesterday? 16) What did you have for breakfast this morning? 17) What do you think of Hip Hop 18) How is the weather in this picture? 19) Would you like a hot dog right now? 20) What are you going to do after this exam? 21) Do you watch videos on Youtube? What do you watch? 22) What can you bring to a birthday party? 23) Did you drink coffee this morning? Do you usually drink coffee? 24) When did you last go to a party?

Review for oral test 2-2101


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