1) Which component would you use to alter the resistance of a circuit? a) battery b) ammeter c) variable resistor d) fixed resistor 2) Which component changes its resistance when the temperature of the environment is altered? a) LDR b) LED c) Diode d) Thermistor 3) Which component changes its resistance when the light level in the environment changes? a) LDR b) LED c) Diode d) Thermistor 4) What is an alpha partcile? a) 1 proton + 1 neutron b) 1 proton + 2 neutrons c) 2 Protons + 1 neutron d) 2 protons + 2 neutrons 5) What is a beta particle? a) a proton b) an electron c) a neutron d) an electromagnetic wave 6) Which material will block beta? a) skin b) air c) paper d) aluminium 7) Which material is needed to block gamma? a) skin b) aluminium c) lead d) paper 8) How far can alpha travel through air? a) 1mm b) 1cm c) 3 - 5 cm d) 1 m 9) How far can beta travel through the air a) 1m b) 1 mile c) 1 km d) infiinity 10) Which radiation is the most ionising? a) alpha b) beta c) gamma d) all equal 11) Which state of matter has the highest density? a) gas b) liquid c) solid 12) Complete the sentence: The specific heat capacity is the .............................. needed to change the temperature of 1kg of a material by 1°C.  a) joules b) power c) efficiency d) energy 13) The specific latent heat tells us how much energy is needed to do what to 1kg of a material? a) Heat is up b) change its state c) cool it down d) squash it 14) How does temperature affect gas pressure? a) Increasing temperature increases pressure b) Increasing temperature decreases pressure c) Decreasing temperature decreases pressure d) Decreasing temperature increases pressure 15) Why does temperature affect pressure? a) Particles gain kinetic energy b) Particles move faster c) Particles collide more often d) all of the above 16) Which is a list of non-renewable resources a) wind, solar and coal b) coal, oil, gas c) biofuel, nuclear, wind d) wave, geothermal, hydroelectric 17) What is the issue with bunring fossil fuels? a) they are non-renewable b) they release carbon dioxide c) the can increase acidity of rain d) all of the above 18) What is the network of a cables and transformers called that links the power station to homes and businesses? a) power grid b) national grid c) network grid d) electricity hub 19) What does a step-up transformer do? a) increases current b) increases potential difference c) increases power d) speeds up the transfer 20) Why do we need the grid to transfer electricity? a) It creates jobs b) It is cheap c) It reduces energy loss d) It saves time

AW AQA Physics Paper 1 Mixed Revision


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