1) Where do T-rexes shop? At dino ____________. a) shore b) chore c) stores 2) Which superhero is the best at baseball? a) Batman b) Superman c) Hulk 3) Who is the most famous fish spy?  a) James Boot b) James Pond c) James Rock 4) Why did the melon jump into the lake? It wanted to be a ________________________. a) watermelon b) durian c) pineapple 5) What starts with gas and has three letters? a) A dog b) A cot c) A car 6) Why did the teacher wear his sunglasses to the class? Because his students were so ____________________. a) cool b) bright c) kind 7) What kind of vehicles has four wheels and flies? a) A garbage truck b) A sports car c) A bus 8) Why are fish so smart? They live in ___________________. a) parks b) schools c) markets 9) What do bees brush their hair with? a) Jars of honey b) Leaves c) Honeycombs 10) Which type of keys are sweet? a) Biscuits b) Cookies c) Crips

Fun with Puns (P.4 - 6)


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