1) I ________________ some photos on the weekend a) is going to take b) is taking c) going to take d) 'm going to take 2) They ________________ pizza for dinner a) are going to order b) is going to order c) 'm going to order d) going to order 3) They________________ football tomorrow a) aren't going play b) aren't going to play c) isn't playing d) are going to playing 4) Paul ________________ a summer job. a) is geting b) is going to get c) are going to get d) is going get 5) ________________me tonight? a) Are you going to phone b) Are you phoning c) Is you going to phone d) You are going to 6) Molly ________________ a new skirt for the party. a) Is to going buy b) isn't going to buy c) isn't buying d) aren't going to buy 7) ________________university next year? a) Greg is going to start b) Are Greg going to start c) Is Greg going to start d) Is Greg to going start 8) I ________________ tonight a) 'm going studying b) 'm going to study c) is going to study d) am going studying 9) Mary ______________ to China next month a) are going to travel b) are travelling c) is going to travel d) is going travel 10) Kevin and Martha ______________ next weekend a) going to get married b) is going to get married c) they are going to get married d) are going to get married

I'm Going to - future


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