1) Ola _________ windsurfing. a) likes b) don't like c) enjoy d) hate 2) My best friend___________ hiking. a) don't like b) enjoys c) enjoy d) don't love 3) I ___________ bowling. a) enjoys b) doesn't like c) hates d) love 4) My mum likes ___________a cake. a) made b) make c) making d) makeing 5) They ____________ having a barbecue. a) hates b) doesn't like c) don't like d) doesn't enjoy 6) My grandma __________ riding a mountain bike. a) loves b) love c) hate d) don't like 7) I hate __________. a) sail b) sailed c) sailling d) sailing 8) My friend _________ playing table tennis. a) don't like b) hate c) hates d) love 9) My best friend and I ____________ hanging out together. a) enjoys b) likes c) doesn' like d) enjoy 10) My dad doesn't like _______ a horse. a) ride b) riding c) rideing d) rode 11) I _________ playing the electric guitar. a) love b) loves c) like d) hates 12) He ________ playing the drums. a) don't like b) like c) likes d) hate 13) My aunt likes _____________ the tambourine. a) play b) plaing c) played d) playing


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