1) What is the name of the time period from 1919 to 1932 when it was illegal to make, transport, or sell alcohol in the U.S.? a) Jim Crow Era b) Temperance Movement c) Prohibition d) Roaring Twenties 2) What did the 18th and 21st Amendments to the Constitution accomplish? a) began and ended the Great War b) gave women the right to vote c) established federal income taxes d) started and ended the Prohibition Era e) provided for the direct election of U.S. Senators 3) What is jazz? a) a style of painting that uses African motifs b) a musical genre using African rhythms and improvisation c) a musical genre that started in Europe d) music that must be read because a composer has notated it 4) What is improvisation? a) when you make something up because you forgot to prepared for the performance b) an instrumental or vocal performance in which a song is played a little differently each time to make it sound new or more creative c) something made up by a composer who writes down ideas on staff paper 5) What is a composer? a) someone who is talented at putting words on paper b) someone who helps people to relax or compose themselves c) a musician who scores specific notes that he or she wants the performers to play or sing d) a musician who writes jazz music so it always sounds the same and avoids improvisation 6) What is a jazz band? a) a group of musicians usually selected by a bandleader who is able to direct performances so that each member has a chance to showcase his or her talents b) a group of musicians who only play music composed by European classical musicians c) a band that dislikes syncopated music because they like to play "on the beat" 7) What is the blues? a) a mood or feeling of happiness that can be found in some types of music b) a type of painting in which the dominant color used by the artist is in shades of blue c) a type of jazz which explores the frustrations or disappointments of the lives of oppressed or poor people d) a feeling of envy that one gets when they encounter a person with superior talents   8) What is scat singing? a) singing that is off-key, resulting in the audience scattering b) a Native American art form that was inspired by encountering animal scat, or dung, in the wilds c) wordless singing in which vocalizations are made to sound like a musical instrument 9) How did the 19th Amendment create new cultural choice for women in the 1920s? a) they were no longer required to work outside the home b) they stopped going to college and focused on the domestic arts c) they wore new clothing fashions, drove cars, and behaved more boldly in their relationships with men d) they stopped joining political action groups because they had now gotten the right to vote e) they stopped raising children and cooking for their husbands 10) What was the Harlem Renaissance? a) a celebration of European culture of the 13th-15th centuries b) an outpouring of artistic expression by African Americans c) a yearly celebration of the Emancipation Proclamation and the end of slavery 11) What was the Great Migration? a) the movement of immigrants to the U.S. after the Great War b) the movement of large numbers of African Americans from the South to Northern cities during much of the early 20th Century c) the movement of large numbers of birds twice a year to ensure their survival due to seasonal changes


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