1) The football club captain _________________ (say) Jamie played very well on Saturday. a) said b) got c) made d) went 2) I _______________ (have) fish for dinner.  a) drank b) watched c) saw d) had 3) I ________________ (get up) at 6 am this morning. a) stood up b) picked up c) got up d) walked up 4) I ________________ (take) my son to a birthday party yesterday. a) played b) took c) washed d) watched 5) They ________________ (find) the test difficult. a) saw b) got c) found d) bought 6) His parents _________________ (buy) him a car for his eighteenth birthday. a) bought b) had c) sold d) passed 7) The children ______________ (make) their parents a big breakfast. a) had b) made c) opened d) played 8) Sorry, I _____________ (drink) all of the milk this morning.   a) drank b) ate c) opened d) bought

Unit 9 Past Simple: Irregular Verbs


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