Internal: Succulents store water inside their short, thick stems and leaves., Many aquatic organisms used gills to filter oxygen out of water., The xylem carries water from the roots to the leaves. , A pufferfish has an elastic stomach, so it can take in large amounts of water., Camels store fat inside their hump., External: Many animals that live in the desert are light brown in color., Macaws have large, powerful beaks., Webbed feet is an adaptation that allows the organism to swim., A rosebush has thorns which discourage animals from eating it., The stripes on a kingsnake look like those on a poisonous coral snake., Many types of trees drop their leaves in the fall avoiding snow damage in winter., Behavioral: In the winter, caribou migrate south to warmer areas., Most bats are nocturnal which means they are active at night., Meerkats live together in large groups., Armadillos roll up into a ball to protect their soft belly. ,

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