1) I --- all morning - I'm fed up! a) have ironed b) iron c) have been ironing 2) How long --- English? a) have you been learning b) do you learning c) do you learn 3) I --- this film a lot of times. a) have seen b) have been seeing c) am seeing 4) Kids --- because they’re late for her lesson. a) have running b) running c) are running 5) --- to the party tonight? a) Are you and your boyfriend come b) Are you and your boyfriend coming c) Do you and your boyfriend coming 6) On my way to work I usually --- to get a cup of coffee. a) stop b) have stopped c) am stopping 7) Excuse me, what time ---? a) has the train to Bath left b) does the train to Bath leave c) has the train to Bath been leaving 8) We --- for you for half an hour! a) am waiting b) have been waiting c) wait 9) What time ---? a) have you usually got up b) are you usually getting up c) do you usually get up 10) Sorry about the mess! I ---. a) cooking b) am cook c) have been cooking 11) Ted --- his wife in the cafe this week. a) is helping b) helps c) is help 12) Grandma --- breakfast. Let's go and eat! a) have made b) has made c) has been making

New Horizons - B1+ - Grammar - 20 - Review 2


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