1) When were elections held? a) May b) March c) July 2) When did candidates take office? a) July b) August c) September 3) What was the job of the aediles? a) Supervision of markets, baths, water b) Judging cases in court 4) Where were election slogans painted? a) On noticeboards b) On top half of walls c) In the polling booth 5) How many citizens in the town council? a) 10 b) 500 c) 100 6) Minimum age for election of candidates? a) 40 b) 25 c) 18 7) Why did a candidate have to be rich? a) No salary paid b) Had to use own money to pay for building works c) Had to pay for shows 8) Who could vote? a) Male citizens b) All citizens 9) Who painted election slogans? a) Supporters of candidates b) Professional sign writers c) Candidates themselves 10) What was a perk of the job? a) Front seat at the theatre b) Plaque in polling station c) Large payment at end of year


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