PASSIVE VOICE - We use it when we want to focus on the action., PRESENT SIMPLE - We use it for routines, habits, permanent situations and general truths., PAST SIMPLE - It describes a finished and completed action in the past., USED TO - It describes actions in the past that are no longer happening., PRESENT PERFECT SIMPLE - We make it with the verb has or have as auxiliary and the main action in participle., GERUNDS - We use them after certain verbs example: like, love, enjoy, hate, prefer, stop, etc. and after prepositions., COLLOCATIONS - They are a combination of two or more words that are commonly used together and have a particular meaning., FIRST CONDITIONAL - We use it to talk about a possible future situation., HOMOPHONES - Words whith the same pronunciation, but different meanings, origins, or spelling., RELATIVE PRONOUN "WHERE" - It refers to a place., RELATIVE CLAUSES - That, which, who, where, whose., TIME EXPRESSIONS - Yesterday, last week, three years ago, two days ago., DO - DOES - DID - The auxiliaries for the present and past tense in questions,


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