Where do you like to relax? - At home, in my living room, with some music on, How do you travel to work or college/school? - By bike when it’s sunny. By car when it’s raining, How long does your journey to work take? - About 30 minutes, What's your favourite drink? - Fresh juice, especially on a hot day, Whose name is first in your phone contacts? Do you know the person well? - Someone I work with called Alex. I know him quite well., When are you happiest? Why? - When I’m playing my guitar. I love music, What kind of music do you like? - Anything with a guitar –rock, mostly, Which animals do you like? - I love horses, How many pairs of shoes do you own? - About five. Who needs more than that?, Who is your oldest friend? Are you a good friend to him or her? - Two people, actually –Sofia and David. We're great friends,


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