1) Who is taller, the boy or the girl? a) The boy is taller than the girl b) The girl is taller than the boy. 2) What is bigger? The mouse or the elephant? a) The mouse is bigger than the elephant. b) The elephant is bigger than the mouse. 3) Who is fatter, the dog or the man? a) The dog is fatter than a man. b) The man is fatter than a dog. 4) Which dress is longer? a) The red one is longer than the green one. b) The green one is longer than the red one. 5) Which animal is smarter? a) A pig is smarter than a hen. b) A hen is smarter than a pig. 6) Which animal is dirtier? a) A pig is dirtier than a hen. b) A hen is dirtier than a pig. 7) Which animal is faster? a) A cheetah is faster than a lion. b) A lion is faster than a cheetah. 8) Which TV is older? a) The red TV is older than the black TV. b) The black TV is older than the red TV. 9) What is easier? a) Playing basketball is easier than flying a plane. b) Flying a plane is easier than playing basketball.



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