How is the weather in İzmir? - It's cloudy., How is the weather in İstanbul? - It's rainy., How is the weather in Ankara? - It's snowy., How is the weather in Diyarbakır? - It's sunny., How is the weather in Kırklareli? - It's nice., How is the weather in Bolu? - It's foggy., How is the weather in Trabzon? - It's windy., How is the weather in Antalya? - It's stormy., How is the weather in Erzurum? - It's freezing., How is the weather in Iğdır? - It's warm., How is the weather in Mersin? - It's hot., How is the weather in Sinop? - It's cold., Is it snowy in the desert? - No, it isn't., Is it rainy in the rainforests? - Yes, it is.,


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