1) Identify me a) Desktop b) Laptop c) Tablet d) Smartphones 2) Identify me a) Desktop b) Laptop c) Tablet d) Smartphones 3) Which computer is kept on our lap? a) Desktop b) Laptop c) Tablet d) Smartphones 4) Which computer is kept on the desk? a) Desktop b) Laptop c) Tablet d) Smartphones 5) Which device is used widely to make calls and send messages? a) Desktop b) Laptop c) Tablet d) Smartphones 6) Which of the following is not easy to carry from one place to another? a) Desktop b) Laptop c) Tablet d) Smartphones 7) Which computer is larger than the smartphones and smaller than the laptop? a) Desktop b) Laptop c) Tablet d) Smartphones 8) Which of the following computer is the biggest? a) Desktop b) Laptop c) Tablet d) Smartphones

Grade 1 - Types of computer


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