1) Today we ... (go) to the exhibition in the British Museum! a) go b) are going c) going 2) He ...(work) on this project all week and now it's finished. a) works b) worked c) has worked 3) My wife ...(do) fitness 3 times a week. a) does b) dos c) is doing 4) How long you ...(be) a teacher? a) you were b) are you c) have you been 5) Look out! The tree ...(fall down)! a) falls down b) is falling down c) has fallen down 6) My brother usually ...(get) good marks, but he ...(not do) well this semester. a) gets, don't do b) gets, doesn't do c) gets, isn't doing 7) The professor ...(attend) this conference many times since 2010. a) has attended b) attended c) attends 8) I think, the train ...(arrive) at 10:30, but we should check the website. a) is arriving b) arrives c) will arrive 9) We ...(leave) for Cuba on Monday to spend the New Year near the sea. a) are leaving b) leave c) will leave 10) Water ...(freeze) at negative temperature. a) is freezing b) freeze c) freezes


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