1) Should most intrusive or least intrusive procedures be used? a) most intrusive b) least intrusive 2) What is the process of presenting skills that are easier for the client to complete, in order to build compliance to help them complete the skill that is harder? Reinforcement must be provided between responses/ completion of skills. a) Positive reinforcement b) Direct Assessment c) Natural Environment Teaching d) Behaviour Momentum 3) Which is not a strategy to support appropriate behaviour? a) high probability requests b) pairing c) time out d) errorless learning e) environmental manipulations f) offering choice 4) Which statement is not pairing? a) "What colour is this ball?" b) "The train is going so fast" c) "Pop, pop, pop" d) "1, 2, 3 blast off!!!" 5) What is making changes to program targets or instructional procedures to increase success for the learner? a) functional assessment b) pairing c) errorless learning d) high probability requests e) curricular-based interventions 6) What is offering choice? a) allowing a learner to be autonomous in their everyday activities b) allowing the learner to choose their tasks, their reinforcement and their snacks c) allowing the learner to feel independent and in charge of their needs and wants d) a &c e) all of the above 7) Anything put in place BEFORE a behaviour occurs a) functions of behaviour b) differential reinforcement c) consequence strategy d) antecendent strategy 8) Which not an example of antecedent strategy? a) visuals b) daily schedule c) first-then board d) offering choice e) priming & setting up the environment f) none of the above 9) What is not an example of antecedent strategy for escape? a) Intersperse difficult task with easier tasks b) use errorless teaching to increase success c) first-then statements d) teach child to ask for a break/provide breaks e) start with easier tasks and work up to harder tasks f) none of the above 10) What are antecedent strategies for attention? a) provide attention whenever the inappropriate behavior is not occuring b) ignore the challenging behaviour c) teach a functional alternative (i.e. requesting attention with a picture card d) a,c &e e) provide attention for other appropriate behaviours f) reinforce appropriate attention seeking behaviours 11) Consequence strategies involve immediate access to reinforcers contingent on appropriate behaviours and extinction of challenging behaviours a) true b) false 12) The discontinuing of reinforcement of a previously reinforced behaviour a) positive reinforcement b) negative punishment c) extinction d) satiation 13) An extinction burst is a decrease in the frequency of responding when an extinction procedure is initially implemented a) true b) false 14) What is providing reinforcement for a behaviour that cannot occur at the same time as the target challenging behaviour? a) DRI b) DRA c) DRL d) DRO 15) What is teaching an alternative behaviour or a replacement behaviour? a) DRO b) DRA c) DRI d) DRD 16) What is differential reinforcement of zero rates? a) DRA b) DRI c) DRO d) DRL 17) Which one is not an antecedent procedure? a) Extinction b) Environmental manipulations c) Curricular-based interventions d) Priming 18) BIP is a procedure that are put in place to support the client and staff a) true b) false

Strategies for Challenging Behaviour


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