1) Who was the Nazi Minister of Propaganda? a) Hitler b) Goering c) Goebbels d) Himmle 2) Which of these WASN'T a police/military group associated with the Nazis? a) SS b) Friekorp c) SA d) Gestapo 3) The Confessional Church was opposed to Hitler; which type of Christianity did it follow? a) Protestantism b) Catholicism c) Eastern Orthodox d) Methodist 4) Brainwashing someone into believing an idea is called: a) Propaganda b) Hypnotism c) Indoctrination d) Persuasion 5) Hitler tried to revive Germany's economy by paying workers to build what? a) Schools b) Railways c) Palaces d) Motorways 6) Which of these were NOT President of Germany? a) Hitler b) Ebert c) Hindenburg d) Stresemann 7) What was the Dawes Plan? a) Hitler's strategy to conquer Europe b) Stesemann's deal for American loans c) Ebert's idea for Germany's new government d) Goering's concept for a new type of plane 8) What year was the Treaty of Versailles signed in? a) 1914 b) 1918 c) 1919 d) 1921 9) What happened to Kaiser Wilhelm II at the end of the First World War? a) He abdicated b) He killed himself c) He was executed d) No one knows 10) Which of these uprisings was not led by a right-wing group? a) The Kapp Putsch b) The Munich Putsch c) The Beer Hall Putsch d) The Spartacist Uprising

Nazi Germany Recap Quiz


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