What's your name? - My name is ___., Where do you live? - I live in ___., What do you do in the mornings? - In the mornings I prepare for school., Do you get up early? - Yes, I do. I get up at 7 o'clock., What do you normally eat for breakfast? - I normally eat toast and butter for breakfast., Do you have a shower everyday? - Yes, I shower everyday. , Do you have a hobby? - Yes, I do. I like playing videogames and reading., Where do you normally do your hobby? - I normally do it at home., When do you normally do your hobby? - I normally do it on weekends. , How often do you do sport? - I play basketball on Thursdays and on Saturdays., What is your favorite sport? - My favorite sport is volleyball., What is your favorite food? - My favorite food is chicken soup., Do you like eating vegetables? - No, I don't like them. , How often do you watch TV? - I watch TV on weekends., Do you like reading books? - Yes, I enjoy reading comic books and fantasy novels.,

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