Kurbat Ivanov was one of the greatest ____ of Siberia. He was born ____ the River Yenisey in a Cossack village. He was ____ Russian person ____ Lake Baikal. There were legends that there is a ____ of water south of the Lena. He ____ to know ____ this was true. In 1643 he took 74 friends and they went ____ the River Lena, ____ they went along its tributary the Ilikta. ____ they reached the mountains, ____ Primorsky Ridge. They ____ it ____ foot and then by the Sarma River ____ Lake Baikal near Olkhon Island. They ____ new boats and ____ to Olkhon. There he ____ Lake Baikal and ____ a lot of things about it. He ____ was the person who made the ____ the Far East


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