Coaching - To direct or instruct a person or group of people in order to achieve goals,, Briefing - An activity immediately preceding the start of a simulation activity, Conceptual Fidelity - ensures that all elements of the scenario relate to each other in a realistic way so that the case makes sense as a whole to the learner, Cue - To provide information during the simulation that helps the participant progress through the activity to achieve stated objectives, Environmental Fidelity - The degree to which the simulated environment replicates reality and appearance of the real environment., Frames - The perspectives through which individuals interpret new information and, Haptic - refers to devices that providing tactile feedback to the user, High-fidelity Simulation - simulation experiences that are extremely realistic and provide a high level of interactivity and realism for the learner, In Situ - Taking place in the actual patient care setting/environment, Just-in-Time Simulation - A method of training that is conducted directly prior to a potential intervention, Moulage - The makeup and molds applied to humans or manikins used to, Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) - An approach to the assessment of clinical or professional competence, Realism - The ability to impart the suspension of disbelief to the learner by creating an environment that mimics that of the learner’s work environment;, Embedded Participant - An individual who is trained or scripted to play a role in a simulation encounter in order to guide the scenario,, Deliberate Practice - A systematically designed activity that has been created specifically to improve an individual’s performance in a given domain,

Simulation Glossary


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