1) He is laughing ___________ the funny joke I told. a) because  b) because of  2) She is crying _________ she watched a sad movie. a) because of  b) because  3) He went to bed ___________ he is tired. a) because b) because of 4) He is angry _____________ the computer stopped working. a) because b) because of 5) They are wet _________ the rain a) because b) because of 6) ___________ I don't want to do homework, I'll watch TV. a) Because b) Because of 7) She'll eat lunch at 2:00 __________ her late morning meeting. a) because of b) because 8) The children are afraid _________ the thunderstorm a) because b) because of 9) _____________ the ice on the road, they didn't leave their house. a) Because b) Because of


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