1) She's my mum. She's my dad... a) sister b) wife c) daughter d) mum 2) This is my brother and my... a) dad b) brother c) mum d) grandpa 3) This is my... a) sister b) dad c) grandpa d) brother 4) He's my dad. He's my mum's... a) dad b) brother c) son d) husband 5) He's my... a) brother b) sister c) dad d) son 6) He's my brother. He's my dad's... a) dad b) son c) brother d) daughter 7) She's my sister. She's my mum's... a) mum b) sister c) daughter d) grandma 8) They're my mum and dad. They're my... a) brothers b) sisters c) chidren d) parents 9) She's my ... a) sister b) daughter c) son d) mum 10) She's my ... a) sister b) grandma c) mum d) dad

My family. Prepare 1, Unit 2


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