I´ll play the game WHEN..., I´ll do my homework AS SOON AS..., UNLESS I get my pocket money,..., My parents won´t buy a new car UNTIL..., You´ll soon feel better IF..., WHEN I am 75, I..., Send me a message AS SOON AS..., Don´t do anything UNTIL..., You´ll find the love of your life IF..., AS SOON AS I get back to school, I..., We´ll miss the tram UNLESS..., WHEN we get to the city centre, ..., He won´t go to sleep UNTIL..., We´ll tell them the news AS SOON AS..., I won´t know which song to listen to UNLESS, IF I can get the new book,..., My parents won´t let me go outside UNLESS..., I won´t be able to meet you UNTIL..., WHEN I have enough money,..., IF you press this button,....

Future clauses (time clauses, unless...)


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