KKK membership by 1925 - 5 million, Slavery was abolished - 1885, Southern US states Jim Crow laws - Segregation - schools, buses, cinemas, toilets etc, Literacy tests - Prevented African American from voting, Lynching (‘Rope Law’) - Murdered without a trial , Great migration - 2 million African Americans went to Northern states, NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Coloured People) - Campaigned for better rights - housing , law, education , WASP - White Anglo Saxon Protestant, KKK discriminated towards - African Americans, Jews, Catholics + Immigrants , KKK claimed…(White Supremacy) - They were defending traditional US moral values, KKK declined… - After trial (for rape) of David Stephenson, 1925, KKK membership by 1930 - 30,000, No of lynchings in 1921 - 61, Employment opportunity- conditions  - Low paid unskilled less job security , Harlem Renaissance ( New Yorkj - Development/ celebration of African American Culture, NAACP membership - 90,000, KKK ‘methods’ - Violence, intimidation, burning crosses, boycotting + harassment of African American owned businesses , Popular entertainment- opportunities - Jazz, Soul and Blues music (Cotton Club), Number of black Americans in USA in 1920 - 12 million (75%living in the South), Black Americans- Judicial s - Not permitted to serve on juries, Grandfather clause - Excluded any black person who’s grandfather had been a slave from voting, Social custom (Jim Crow) - Can’t shake a white man’s hand or look him in the eye!, Education - opportunities + conditions - Poorly financed, huge class sizes, no textbooks!, Lynchings decreased in number… - After the NAACP published results of an inquiry., US Constitution stated… - Everyone was ‘equal’ 🙃,

How tolerant was US Society? (African American)


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