static electricity - The buildup of an electric charge on a material., discharge - The sudden movement of an electric charge from the object where it built up to another nearby object., conductor - A material through which heat or electricity flows easily., insulator - A material through which heat or electricity does not flow easily., circuit - A complete path through which electricity can flow., current electricity - A moving electrical charge., series circuit - A circuit in which the objects are connected in a single path. , parallel circuit - A circuit in which each object is connected to the cell separately., fuse - A device that melts to keep too much electric current from flowing through wires. Once melted, a fuse cannot be reused. , circuit breaker - A reusable switch that protects circuits from dangerously high currents., pole - One of two ends of a magnet; where a magnet's pull is strongest, magnetic field - A reign of magnetic force around a magnet., electromagnet - A temporary magnet created when current flows through wire wrapped in coils around an iron bar., electric motor - A power source that transforms electrical energy into movement, or mechanical energy., generator - A device that creates alternating current by spinning a electric coil between the poles or a powerful magnet.,

Chapter 13 Lesson 6-8


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