How long have you been living in your village, town or city? - I have been living in my city/town for 5/10/15 years., What is the place, where you live, famous for? - It is famous for its beautiful nature/historical places/modern industry. Everybody knows…, When was your village, town or city founded? - It was founded in 1789/1534…, What season is the best for visiting your village, town or city? Why? - It’s better to visit my home town in the spring or in the autumn. It’s not too cold and not too hot., What is your favorite place in your village, town or city? Why do you like it? - I love the central park. It’s beautiful and modern. We spend a lot of time there., What place in your home town would you recommend visiting? - I would recommend visiting a city center. There are some/a lot of historical places there. Also it’s the most beautiful place in our city.,

(24) EA People’s attitude to their village, town or city


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