1) What is a council? a) a board of discussion b) a prison c) jungle 2) A cub is... a) an old animal b) a young animal c) a crazy animal 3) Ears that can hear the winds in their LAIRS. a) houses where animals live b) parts of an ear c) dreams 4) How to read the word 'jackal'? a) [dʒə'kal] b) ['dʒækl] c) ['dʒækɔːl] 5) How to read the word 'hyaena'? a) [hɪˈjenə] b) [haɪˈiːnə] c) [hɔːˈiːnə] 6) What is a bruise? a) b) c) 7) Who is showing their tongue? a) b) c) 8) What is an ape? a) a monkey without a tail b) a monkey with a tail c) Mowgli 9) What is a paw? a) b) c) d) 10) The monkey people are FORBIDDEN. a) killed b) banned c) the best d) wonderful 11) What can 'cunning' people/animals do? a) help you b) lie to you c) do your homework d) eat your lunch 12) What is 'to approach'? a) to finish b) to open c) to come closer 13) What is 'guilt'? a) feeling that you did smth wrong b) feeling after long sleep c) feeling after you give flowers to smb 14) What is 'disobey'? a) not to help b) not to listen c) not to climb a tree 15) It's your fault. a) son b) banana c) mistake 16) But my PREY never talks. a) food b) mom c) mobile

Final Show Mowgli E2


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