Opening sentence: How's everything going with you?, How are you doing?/How've you been?, How's life treating you?/What's been going on?, I hope you're having a great , I hope you're staying safe& healthy/I hope you're well., Long time no talk!/It's been a while!, Opening greeting: Hi/Hey/Hello/Hey there,, What's up?/What's popping?/How have you been?, Closing sentence: Have a good week! Talk to you soon!, See you when you get back., I'm really excited to see you soon., I hope I'll see you soon!, Can't wait to see you again!, Let me know what you're up to!, Write back soon! You hear!, Take care and keep in touch!, Take care and stay safe!, Sending you hugs and good vibes!, Closing greeting: Cheers,/Ciao,/Later!, Miss you loads,/Catch you later,, You homie,/Your bestie,/Hugs and kisses, XOXO, See you around,/Talk to you soon,/Until next time,, Body: I'm so excited to tell you about..., I'm so proud for..., I'm dropping you a line to tell you, I can't wait to tell you about what happened, I just wanted to let you know that, I am writing to share with you that, I Just wanted to let you know that, I thought I'd drop you a line to let you know that..., I Just wanted to give you a shout out to let you know that..., I just I wanted to reach out and let you know that..., I thought I'd shoot you a quick email to let you know that..., I wanted to let you know what's up..., I wanted to share some news with you that..., I wanted to let you know about something..., I wanted to give you a heads up about something..., I wanted to keep you updated on something..., I wanted to let you know that there's been a change of plans..., I've been meaning to reach out but,

Informal Letter/Email content


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