1) 1 The longer the telephone call,……… the telephone bill a) the bigger b) the more 2) The cat was a) Frightening b) frightened 3) Gisele was supposed to be home an hour ago. I’m………. worried a) gets b) getting 4) I wish I had…….the tv comedian everyone thought he was so funny a) seen b) see 5) I wish he…… lend me his car a) would b) could 6) I wish the children…….stop interrupting a) can b) would 7) The story about the green aliens……….true a) can’t be b) - wouldn’t be 8) The story about the green aliens…….true a) can’t have been b) can’t be 9) I’d recommend not buying white shoes. They. so quickly. a) get dirty b) getting dirty 10) Getting to: a) really impress me. b) annoying or bothering. 11) Killer a) -great,amazing b) make you feel happier. 12) My mom is very a) tiring b) tired 13) she is a) so b) such 14) I wish you would a) stops b) stop 15) The exam was a) too b) so 16) I wish……….. the TV comedian . a) l had seen b) have see 17) The more l get to know my classmates….i like them a) The better b) The better 18) I wish………. been able to get the joke . a) ( l had b) , l have 19) it’s almost time for me to give my presentation , I’m …….. nervous . a) getting b) get 20) My mother………. worried if I’m not home by 10:00 . a) gets b) getting


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