1) The Mona Lisa .... by Leonardo da vinci. a) paint b) painted c) were painted d) was painted 2) English .... by 3.5 billion people all over the world. a) is speak b) spoke c) is spoken d) am spoken 3) The poetry ..... by a famous artist. a) writes b) wrote c) was write d) was written 4) Many trees .... down everyday. a) is cutting b) are cuting c) are being cut d) is being cut 5) Prince Diponogoro .........in 1785. a) is born b) borned c) was born d) will be born 6) OH no! The famous painting .... a) steal b) has stolen c) was stolen d) stole 7) The Eiffel tower ...... in 1889. a) built b) build c) was built d) were built 8) Harry Potter .... by J.K. Rowling. a) write b) were written c) was written d) wrote 9) Most motorcycles ..........from abroad. a) was imported b) were imported c) importing d) are imported 10) The dogs ........twice a day. a) were fed b) am fed c) are fed d) is feed

EF 4th Int 6A Passive voice multiple choice



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