1) Something which BORED you the most 2) Something which was really difficult to do at home 3) What you missed the most at the beginning of this lockdown 4) A food your mother kept repeating 'cause she didn't know what else to cook! 5) All the series you watched on NETFLIX in these 7 months! 6) The best games you have played in these 7 months 7) Something new you've done to your hair / bedroom / clothes / nails in these 7 months 8) Something new your parents have bought or repairings they have made to your house these months 9) A rule you or someone in your family broke during lockdown 10) The BEST thing about online classes is that we can... 11) The WORST thing about online classes is that .... 12) What has changed in your physical appearance or personality these months? 13) How did you celebrate your birthday? 14) What is the first thing you want to do as soon as this lockdown finishes completely? 15) What do you think this lockdown forced you to learn? 16) A POSITIVE thing about this whole 2020 is that.... 17) Which 3 words would describe your 7th form so far?

Your life during lockdown


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