BLED - The past simple of BLEED is..., BURST - The past participle of BURST is..., CREPT - The past simple of CREEP is..., FED - The past participle of FEED is..., FIT - The past simple of FIT is..., KNELT - The past participle of KNEEL is..., LIT - The past simple of LIGHT is..., MISTAKEN - The past participle of MISTAKE is..., PROOVED - The past simple of PROOVE is..., QUIT - The past participle of QUIT is..., SOUGHT - The past simple of SEEK is..., SET - The past participle of SET is..., SEWED - The past simple of SEW /səʊ/ is..., SHAKEN - The past participle of SHAKE is..., SHRANK - The past simple of SHRINK is..., SLID - The past participle of SLIDE is..., SOWED - The past simple of SOW /səʊ/ is..., SPELT - The past participle of SPELL is..., SPILT - The past simple of SPILL is..., SPOILT - The past participle of SPOIL is..., SPREAD - The past simple of SPREAD is..., SPRUNG - The past participle of SPRING is..., STOLE - The past simple of STEAL is..., STUCK - The past participle of STICK is..., STUNG - The past simple of STING is..., SWEPT - The past participle of SWEEP is..., SWELLED - The past simple of SWELL is..., SWUNG - The past participle of SWING is..., WEPT - The past simple of WEEP is..., WOUND - The past participle of WIND /waɪnd/ is...,


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