conquistador - soldiers who explored and claimed lands for Spain , Montezuma - Aztec emperor who lost to Spaniard Cortes, mercantilism - an economic system in which Europeans created colonies to make money , Portugal - argued with Spain over territories in the "New World" , Treaty of Tordesillas - created the line of demarcation to separate lands in the New World, Spain - coerced the Pope into giving them more land right than Portugal in the "New World" , missionary - church representatives whose job it was to convert people into being Christians  , Christopher Columbus - proved that the world was round; but failed to find a water route to Asia , Amerigo Vespucci - brought back maps and science samples to prove that Europeans had discovered a new continent , Aztec - a powerful empire highly sophisticated people in Mexico , Inca - mighty empire of a vast expanse found along the Andes Mountains of Peru , Francisco Pizarro - Spaniard who conquered the INCA empire , Francisco V. De Coronado - Spaniard who explored North Mexico in modern day AZ and New Mexico ,

Social Studies Chapter 2 Section 1


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