The city where I live has a bad ____ because of its high ____ rate. If you believe everything you read in the newspapers, you might ____ that everyone who visits the city has their wallet stolen or gets attacked in the street the moment they arrive. In recent years this has had a negative ____ on the number of tourists who come to the city, since news stories can really ____ people when they are thinking of visiting a place. I won't pretend that my city is the best place in the world. It's noisy and crowded, and ugly ____ estates ____ it on all sides. In fact, it ranks as sixth on a national list of the country's worst places to live, and for most visitors, their first ____ is 'Oh no, what a horrible place!' However, I think this is unfair. There are some attractive old buildings in the city, the ____ population gives the place a colourful, international feel, most of the ____ are friendly and welcoming, and because prices are low, people can afford to enjoy a ____ that is considerably better than in many other cities


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