boil the ocean - undertaking an impossible task or making a task unnecessarily difficult, circle back - return to a topic or discussion at a later time or after further consideration, drill down - delve deeper into a particular subject or topic, often by examining it in more detail or analysing specific aspects, get some new eyes on - seek fresh perspectives or input from different people who haven't previously been involved in a particular project or problem, low-hanging fruit - the most easily achieved of a set of tasks, measures, goals, etc., move the needle - make significant progress or achieve substantial results, particularly in terms of measurable outcomes, don't have the bandwidth - not have the capacity, time or resources to take on an additional task or responsibility, be on the same page - to be thinking in a similar fashion, to have the same amount of knowledge, or to have the same kind of understanding about a situation as others do, think outside the box - to explore ideas that are creative and unusual and that are not limited or controlled by rules or tradition, ping me - a colloquial way of saying ‘contact me’ or ‘reach out to me’, synergy - a situation when two or more elements or individuals working together achieve a result that is greater than what they could achieve individually, trim the fat - reduce unnecessary expenses, cutting costs, unpack this (sth) - break down or examine a complex issue or idea to gain a deeper understanding of the overall topic,

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