1) What is an example of an object going through sublimation? a) Steam coming off a lake b) Dry ice turning straight into CO2 c) An icicle forming on a tree d) Liquid turning into a solid 2) What happens to the molecules of the substance during any phase change? a) They stop moving b) They change in size c) They move faster and faster d) They rearrange in order to form a new state 3) When bubbles form in a liquid, which of the following physical change is happening? a) melting b) boiling c) freezing d) condensing 4) What is the difference between sublimation and deposition? a) Sublimation starts as a gas and deposition starts as a solid b) Sublimation starts as a solid and deposition starts as a gas c) Sublimation starts as a liquid and deposition starts as a solid d) Sublimation starts as a gas and deposition starts as a liquid 5) What is the reverse process of evaporation called? a) Freezing b) Condesation c) Sublimation d) Deposition


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