1) Bin Chicken..... a) flied into town. b) strutted into town. c) drove into town. 2) What did she wear on her head? a) she wore a tuna tin. b) she wore a suit. c) she weared a tin. 3) After not being able to go to the French restaurant, she  a) drove to the beach. b) flied to the beach. c) flew to the beach. 4) The five seagulls did not like Bin Chicken and they a) let her stay at the beach. b) told her to go away. c) welcomed her. 5) Next she went to the fish markets but a big old pelican a) blocked the door. b) ate the mouse. c) slept in the bin. 6) Soon she spied a playground where a) there was a party. b) students ate lunch. c) there were lots of lunchboxes. 7) The school bell a) rang. b) went beep. c) broke. 8) Ibis flapped her wings and a) went shopping. b) fell over. c) took off with a zoom. 9) She found food in the staffroom and a) ate it all on her own. b) called her friends to join her. c) flew home.

Past tense verbs = Chicken DInner


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