1) Someone is building my house. a) I'm having my house built b) I'm having my house building c) I'm having my house build 2) I need to paint my bedroom a) I need to get my bedroom paint b) I need to have my bedroom painted c) I need to have had my bedroom painted 3) Peter cooked dinner for his family a) Peter have dinner cooked for his family b) Peter had dinner cook for his family c) Peter had dinner cooked for his family 4) He needs to do the report a) He needs to have the report done b) He need to have the report done c) He needs to have the report did 5) Maria redesigned the web site a) Maria have the web site redesigned b) Maria had the web site redesigned c) Maria had the web site designed 6) Jane put the vase on the table a) Jane had the vase put on the table b) Jane have the vase put on the table c) Jane had had the vase put on the table 7) I translated the documents a) I've had the documents translated b) I had the documents translated c) I have the documents translated 8) I will cut my hair a) I will have my hair cut. b) I have my hair cut c) I'll had my hair cut 9) We drove Mr. Jones to the airport a) We had Mr. Jones driven to the airport b) We had had Mr. Jones droven to the airport c) We've had Mr. Jones driven to the airport d) 10) Your flat is dirty. I think you should ______ your flat _______ a) Have, cleant b) Has, cleaned c) Have, cleaned 11) Don’t you see this big poster from here? You need to _______ your eyes ______ (check) a) Has, check b) Have, checked c) Has, checked

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