1) You have never seen this man before, but he wants you to follow him so he can show you some puppies! Should you go with him? a) b) 2) Your toast is stuck in the toaster and you think a fork might get it out. Is it safe to stick the fork into the toaster? a) b) 3) Your new doctor says she needs to check an injury you have on your leg, but you will have to remove all your clothes and put on a paper gown. Your mom is in the room with you. Is this safe? a) b) 4) You don't recognize these people, but they tell you that your mom is unable to pick you up from school and sent them to come get you instead. You have a sick feeling around these people, but they say they know your mom. Should you go with them? a) b) 5) Which sign will I likely find at the end of my street? a) b) 6) What is the correct way to walk with scissors (or any sharp object)? a) b) 7) Uh oh, you are lost! You want to ask for help, but which stranger is more likely to be trustworthy? a) b) 8) How long can meat sit out of the refrigerator without becoming dangerous to eat? a) 20 minutes b) 2 hours 9) If the house was on fire, what is the first thing you should do? a) Get outside as fast as you can b) Call 911 10) Which group of items should these kids play with? a) b) 11) Uh oh! A candle has caught fire to the back of Bunsen's shirt! What should he do? a) Run around b) Stop, drop, and roll 12) Which scenario is an emergency that I would call 911 for? a) My grandpa isn't answering me when I try to wake him b) My brother is yelling loudly and it scares me 13) If a stranger tries to get me away from my classmates or family, I am allowed to... a) kick, scream, and fight back! b) politely go with him wherever he leads me 14) Riding your bike is great exercise! What is something we should wear everytime we ride our bikes? a) A backpack of snacks b) A helmet 15) When meeting a new dog, how should we approach them? a) Calmly let them smell our fist until they allow us to pet them under the chin b) Run up to them, and start petting the top of their head

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